We are a very weird generation. Technology has evolved so much in our lifetime that sometimes I forget that the world wasn’t always this way. When I step back and think about how different my teen years and twenties were from my parents’ and grandparents’… I mean, it’s mind blowing.
When I’m old, I hope to tell my grandchildren the story of our first home computer and the first time I heard about the Internet. I look forward to seeing the shock on their faces when I explain that I was in my twenties before I owned my first cell phone (a phone that only did one thing—make phone calls). I want to tell them about my first iPhone and my first photo editing app (Hipstamatic!). And I guess the story I’m most excited to tell someday is the one where I heard what a blog was for the very first time, and how I knew right away that I wanted one, not knowing where that path would some day lead.
When I watch my four-year-old niece play with my iPhone I can’t help but imagine how different her childhood will be from mine. She’ll never know life without 24/7 access to Internet, social media, and digital entertainment.
So I want to talk about young industries, industries that I got to watch come to life in the past five to ten years and that I believe will continue to evolve and grow in ways I cannot even imagine throughout our lifetime. The two industries that I’ve been personally involved with and profoundly affected by are blogging and apps.
This post is about blogging. Last year A Beautiful Mess celebrated its sixth birthday, and I wrote a lengthy post about how I started, how we’ve grown, and what we’ve learned along the way. One thing I haven’t talked about much here are my thoughts on blogging as an industry, so that’s what I’m here to tackle today!
The pros and cons of a young industry (in this case, blogging)
Blogging is an industry. I know it probably bothers some people that I’m even calling it an industry at all, but it is. Blogging is a rapidly evolving form of media. It’s a full-time job for thousands of people. It’s a legitimate way for companies (from giant corporations to tiny startups) to advertise their goods and services. Blogging is not only a way to kick-start a career, it is a career. And a good one!
And you know what? I believe it hasn’t even hit its prime.
As an industry, blogging is still just a baby. There are pros and cons to this.
Cons– It’s competitive. It’s unpredictable. There is no formal route of education that can help you secure a job in this field. There is always a risk factor. There are no guarantees. There is a LOT of bad information and advice out there for young bloggers. The nature of the biz at this point in time is a lot of trial and error. To sum it up, it’s really hard. It can be horribly discouraging to get started. I mean, everyone could start a blog, but everyone won’t be able to make it a career. Sadly, there just aren’t enough readers. And even once you’re established you can never get too comfortable, because being successful in this industry is dependent on having a passion for constant and continual evolution. I think that’s kind of the deal in a lot of industries, especially emerging ones. I will say if you’re not a person who enjoys change, young industries are probably not the best place to build your career.
Pros- (spoiler—the pros are REALLY good) Being a part of baby industry means you get to lay the groundwork and make your own rules. There are no career guidelines that we have to follow, so it’s up to all of us to guide our careers in the direction we’d like them to go. There is tremendous opportunity in blogging. Everyone knows you can make income from advertising, but there is so much more. The branding opportunities, design opportunities, book deals, TV shows, product lines, etc. are endless. If you can dream it, it’s probably possible. The thing we love most about writing A Beautiful Mess is that it’s a job that has so much room to grow. As we get older, get interested in new things, and have a spark for new opportunities we’re able to take our blog in any direction that we want. I think the ultimate pro about being a blogger in this decade is that there really is no ceiling or limit on what you can do or where your blog can take you!
Where do I think the blogging industry is headed?
I mean, nobody really knows, and I don’t claim to, but here are my thoughts.
I think that in our lifetime blogging will become a legitimate career. I already think it is, but it’s definitely not there yet “on paper.” Ask any blogger what kind of looks they get when they go in to get a home loan and they have to explain their business model. When I explain what we do to some people (especially the older generations) it almost always goes something like this: “We run a women’s lifestyle blog,” (blank stare) “and last year we had a number one selling iPhone app.” (still a blank stare) “Oh, and we’ve written a couple books for Random House.” (ding!ding!ding!) Their faces are filled with relief. “Oh, good! So, you’re really an author then??” To be honest, if I weren’t so close to the industries, I could see myself needing a little extra explanation too. Like I was saying before, part of young industries is that there isn’t a lot of clear information out there on how it all works.
So it would be pretty silly to be offended by these kinds of scenarios. It happens all the time. I really believe that in our lifetime being “just” a blogger will become a legit job in most people’s eyes. It’s happening.
I also think that in the future there will be more established opportunities for bloggers. New jobs are happening all the time. Our company currently supports six full-time salaries and several more part-time and freelance positions. We’re job creators! It’s a great feeling to be able to finally offer health insurance and retirement options to our team. This didn’t just happen overnight, though. It took years of moving forward, hard work, and planning to get to the place where we could even support one full-time employee.
Currently the blog world is in a weird place—it’s feast or famine. There are bloggers out there with tiny followings who have figured out a way to make a GOOD income, while there are others with larger followings who aren’t earning nearly what they are worth because they simply don’t know where to begin. There is no union, no standard pricing model, and no real accountability for money that is exchanged. For this reason some bloggers are getting taken advantage of, being paid far less than they are worth— often far below minimum wages, not even covering expenses with the promise of “exposure.” At the same time, there are companies that are being taken advantage of too. There are agencies charging hundreds of thousands of dollars to create some of the most inefficient, watered-down blogger campaigns you’ll ever see.
So how can bloggers (and companies alike) protect themselves and be sure they are getting a fair deal? You have to take responsibility. Try to research what other blogs are doing and learn about how things work in other forms of media. Since there are no industry standards you have to create your own. At A Beautiful Mess we have our own set of standards when it comes to advertising and sponsored content. I could talk about this all day (and I do in our upcoming e-course), but the biggest takeaway I want to communicate today is that if you want to make a living as a blogger, nobody is going to do that for you. You’ll have to learn (a LOT) about marketing and advertising, on top of the content you want to actually write on your blog. If you rely solely on an agency to help you navigate these waters, you may not get a good enough return to quit your day job. Monetizing is literally DIY at this stage. It’s awesome, but it’s not easy.
The last little “prediction” that I have for blogging is that quality is the key factor for success. Of course quality is a subjective term, as everyone has different standards, styles, and tastes. But you can see a certain intentionality to all posts you see on the more successful or rising blogs, whether they’re DIY, fashion, or full-on lifestyle. Each year, as more and more blogs get started, the market becomes more saturated and more competitive. This is NOT a bad thing. It’s actually a really good thing. Years ago when I started blogging most people didn’t put much effort into original photography, creating exclusive projects and recipes, or developing series of original content. It’s cool to me that somehow, over time, these things became normal. What we do every day for A Beautiful Mess (and what thousands of other bloggers are doing for their blogs) can be a TON of work. So, yes, it’s competitive. What stood out three years ago would not stand out today. Quality really matters. I follow new blogs often, and the only factor that they all share is original photography and a clear point of view. Whether it’s a foodie blog or a travel blog or a family blog, I want to follow the people who are putting effort into creating something of quality.
What bloggers can do to steer our industry in a healthy direction.
1. Embrace change!
If you go to a blogging conference this year and learn “everything you need to know” it might all be different by this time next year. If you take 10 classes by 10 different blogging experts you might receive a lot of conflicting information. Embrace these changes. Keep your mind wide open. There is no one right way to run a blog and there never will be. Change is your friend; don’t forget that.
2. Keep your vision alive.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of writing content that you think will get pinned more or get more pageviews. It’s even easier to fall into a routine of working harder on sponsored posts and getting lazy on personal stuff. Whatever your vision is, it’s your job to keep it alive. Here on ABM, for example, we share a LOT of projects—90% of them are not sponsored. This is our priority for two reasons. First, it ensures we’re very selective; we only work with sponsors we really love that fit into content we really want to write. Second (and more importantly) it keeps it fun! Most of the projects we share are just things we wanted to make. For our category of blog it’s REALLY important to keep it fun because how sad would that be if it wasn’t? The second reason is it keeps our options open. Flexibility is key. Some of our most favorite projects have been totally spur-of-the-moment. We love planning, but being able to replace things that aren’t working or feeling inspired is just as important.
Blogging is a dream job, but doing anything every single day is hard work no matter what your topic is. Life is kind of funny that way. Keeping your vision healthy and inspired is your job. It takes effort and planning, but if you do it the resulting inspiration will keep you moving forward and be contagious to your readers!
3. Write the blog you want to read.
So obvious, right? If it’s no longer fun, change it up. If you don’t love it, what do you expect your readers to feel? There are a million different ways to blog, so choose the one you would want to read. 🙂
I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this topic! I am only writing from my own perspective and I understand (and love) that there are other, very different perspectives out there. I’m especially interested in the perspective of those who blog strictly as a hobby and have no desire to make it a business. As much as I love my career choice, I envy you sometimes. 🙂
If you have a question, I’ll be checking the comments to chat with you guys. Thanks for reading. xo! Elsie
very nice. thank you
Thanks for this post (and on a side note- we’re excited to hear about an upcoming e-course!!!). We’re in the 5th month of our blog and the dream would be to be able to be full time bloggers and savvy business women such as yourselves. Not having industry standards as you’ve mentioned has been tricky for us as we’ve only recently begun advertising/collaborating with companies but at the same time it’s such an exciting new industry that we’re just happy to be slowly paving our path in a small part of it! XO
Beautiful advice. This is exactly the kind of genuine, informative post I need to stumble across from time to time to keep me motivated and re-ignite my passion. Truly inspiration, much like the rest of your blog.
xx Kayla
I so agree with your perspective. We’ve just started our family life and style blog and quality is very important for us. While many people appreciate out work, there are still a lot of people who don’t understand why we put so much effort in our photography and all the projects but we’ll just keep doing our thing 🙂
So interesting! What books/tools do you use (besides years of experience!) to educate yourselves about the blogging industry, online marketing/advertising and small businesses, analytics, etc? Also, any photography book recommendations? Just bought a DSLR – super excited!
PS Love your stuff!
Hi and very nice meeting you. Really interesting post! So far I only blog as a hobby. Mainly because it’s quite time intense and it’s already lots of work to keep it alive at all. Cooking is my big passion and I wish I could only do that and have my food blog. But I also have a job I like, friends, a partner, love yoga and need some me time and time to cook as well. So where to get all the time from? I often end up only posting a pic on my Facebook page (which is much quicker and easier than writing a full blog post). Shame though at the same time as the Facebook page grows bit not the blog. How can that be improved? Happy for any tips! Sending sunshine & love, N
Great post, thanks Elsie!! I have just started blogging (my husband and I took a year off to travel) and I would love to continue the blog after this year is up and/or maybe start a new one. Your post gives me hope that this really is the way of the future and I love hearing a “veteran’s” oppinion on the industry. I am finding it really fun to create and you are exactly right, the standards, especially for visual design and photography are through the roof! People amaze me! I did just find your app though, which is super helpful for creating cute text on pics quickly and easily, so thanks for that as well!! Maybe you already posted about it and I missed it, but I would love to hear about your experiences with the app creation process 🙂
Thank you for the article! Nicely done.
To be honest, the article didn’t reveal or add anything new to my understanding of writing a blog, even though I am quite a new person in blogging world. But defenitely it confirmed my belief in how I want to run my blog, what kind of rules I want to follow. I didn’t start my blog for commercial reasons and I’m not sure if it will be anyhow, anyday a place for sponsored materials. I want my blog to be my personal even intimate tabula rasa which will be filled by my own thoughs and opinions and I can agree for sponsored content only if it will smoothly fit to my blog.
Hihi I’m one of those people who blog just for fun and just for a hobby 🙂 it’s fun because I can write whatever I want instead of being too commercial heheh… 🙂
I just got started blogging two weeks ago and am feeling very excited but also somewhat overwhelmed! Can you speak a little towards how much investment is worthwhile at the start? Should I try to get a decent following before I pay for an ideal layout and SEO? Thanks so much for writing this post, it was quite helpful.
For better or worse I finally took the plunge & started a “real” blog. I’m mostly just talking to myself about crafts & food at this point but it’s already so much fun.. and so time consuming! I don’t know how y’all do it! I’m looking forward to more posts about blogging tips in the future. 🙂
I’ve kept a blog, mostly as a hobby for awhile and have heard some of the same about being a blogger. It’s amazing how framing things differently gets people past their assumptions. If I say “I’m a writer and photographer, you can check my work out on my blog,” people have completely different reactions. It’s like the difference between when I say “I’m staying home with my kids right now/I’m a stay-at-home mom” or joking, “I’m a mama to 3 boys and run the Drouillard Co.” People respond so differently.
Thanks for the emphasis on quality and the tips. Even though I don’t have much time to blog right now, they’re great reminders for other jobs/life, too.
I hope more active bloggers comment in this thread because it’s a really interesting discussion, even viewing it at a hobbyist.
All the best, you guys.
Hi Elsie,
I’ve been blogging as a hobby for nearly nine years, often referring to my blog as my free online therapist! It also supports my love of blog designing, my skills are basic, I am currently on Squarespace and love playing around with their different designs and layouts. I have also changed URL’s a few times, in hindsight probably not the best idea if you want to keep your, albeit moderate, following. Even though I never intended to blog professionally I struggle a little with my blog’s purpose these days and seem to have a strong need to declare a ‘theme’ and follow that. Alas, for now it is what it’s always been, a photo journaled chronicle of my life.
Thanks for an insightful and timely post, I am always intrigued by those who are able to make a living from blogging and its associated ventures. It is so good to see the hard work pay off and I am very impressed by all that you and your sister as well as your team have achieved!
Take care,
I would love it if my blog were my career, but I don’t see that happening. I just don’t have the business knowledge, but I’m certainly trying to learn. I love what you said about writing the blog you want to read. I was searching for ages for a blog with a certain point of view. I never found it, so I decided to start it myself. Luckily, I absolutely love it and will keep doing it even if it never makes a dime.
Very interesting blog that made me think about why i actually blog… I am a garden writer and photographer writing for Dutch and English magazines, so writing “for fun” on my blog in my spare time can seem a little weird. I am not making any money from my blog, nor am I trying to. But because gardening magazines are generally quite conservative and geared toward a certain audience, often when I express my views and believes concerning sustainibility etc., those parts get cut. The reason I enjoy blogging is that it gives me the freedom to write exactly the way I want to, not trying to tiptoe around sensitive topics. It is much more personal, too. Blogging stimulates me to be more creative in the kitchen and actually record what I do. My blog is my diary, my recipe archive and a creative outlet. Thank you, Vera
Hi Elsie. Really love this post and your grounded perspective. It’s important that we recognise the role blogging is playing in our society now. Yes it is competitive but at the same time it’s a versatile career or simply hobby for creative people to share their passions with others. This can only be a good thing! Great job! Jess www.greekyoghurtblog.com
I’ve been intermittently writing a just-for-fun blog for a year and a half. When I first started I didn’t know how to do anything, I barely read any blogs, I didn’t know anything about html coding or photography and I wasn’t sure about how I wanted to communicate. But it’s amazing how quick you can evolve and make your blog look the way you want. There’s so much information out there! Evolution, that’s the key word on this post. It would be so nice being able of working the way you do, guys!
Thanks for the inspiration.
P.S. It would be awesome if you visited my blog and gave me a professional opinion. 😀
Oh, hi lady… always always love when you do these kind of posts cus you do them SO good. Bloggers unite.
tiffany. (Drops Of Jupiter BLOG)
I know your blog will continue to bless new and retired readers for a long time. God bless.;)
I really appreciated your viewpoint on the future of blogging. I started my blog four months ago, and I often hear that unless you have been blogging since 2007, don’t bother. The market is closed, blogs are dying, blah blah blah. I don’t blog for a living, but I do hope it opens doors for me (and it already has, actually). I’m glad you don’t think blogging is going to die out any time soon!